Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's that simple people!

I love this captivating, informative, and creative video narrated by Michael Pollan.

What I learned from this video, "Eat anything you want, just cook it yourself."

A possible fix to all your dieting dilemmas?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Resolutions On Track

Are we all sick of talking about New Year's resolutions by now?
I'm sure all of your heads are nodding yes.

I'm keeping it simple and light this year, because the last thing I need (or anyone needs!) is more stress.

So here are 5 simple tips to keep your New Year's resolutions on track.

  1. Plan them out and write it down. Ask yourself,  "What can I realistically achieve at this point in my life?"  Then write it down and check back in each week or month. My simple goal is to plan out 3 dinners for the week. Every Sunday I write them down and then order my groceries from  Door To Door Organics I usually plan a roast chicken, chicken soup, burgers, and veggie pasta which are simple dishes that allow plenty of leftovers.
  2. Share your goals with a friend. This is scary but it helps hold you accountable and on track with your goals. I shared my professional goals with a good friend and find it inspiring and helpful. I also want to be able to do this on the reformer because it looks really cool :)
  3. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Maybe your goal is to try a new recipe a month, take a new fitness class, drink lemon water everyday or try oil pulling. Some of the small things are easy to achieve and it is instant gratification!
  4. No worries man. Seriously stress is a killer, don't worry if you slip up. Be patient with yourself!
  5. Eat chocolate and drink wine everyday. What that's not your resolution?! It's a good one though right? A small piece of dark chocolate or a small glass of red wine are both high in antioxidants and release those happy feel good endorphins! 
Get creative and have some fun! 

In good health,